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Practice Spoken English by Listening and Talking



It's the starting point for 6 categories of spoken English practice, you can just tap on any of them to get started.

Also, it's the entry point for the screens of "Words", "Plan", "Progress", and "Tracker" to help you strengthen your spoken English practice.


This is the setup screen before starting the spoken English practice.

You can pick the scene, topic, and practice mode under the current category.

You can customize the display scheme, phrase font size, pronunciation font size, translation font size, whether to show pronunciation, whether to show translation, etc. in the visible settings.

When your practice mode is set to listening, you can also set the number of cycles for each topic, the number of cycles for each phrase, and the delay before and after playing each phrase audio in the playback settings.

Practicing Listening

You are practicing the topic you just picked in listening mode.

All 20 phrases will play automatically one by one, respecting your playback settings.

Practicing Talking

You are practicing the topic you just picked in talking mode.

You can hold the "Hold to Talk" button to shadow the phrase, and after you release the hold, the app will check the match rate between the phrase you talked and the original.

Widgets (Word)

The widgets for word.


The widgets for phrase.


On this screen, you can see all the words in the phrases from the above 6 categories.

When you tap on a word, you can see details about its definition, pronunciation, and 3 example sentences.

Plan Details

You can create a plan or a new one here to schedule your spoken English practice.

The plan is organized by the unit of the week, and you can see the topics for each day and tap to see the details.

Create New Plan

First, pick the number of days you schedule to complete all practices in 6 categories.

Then, choose the active days in each week.

Finally, preview and confirm the plan settings.

Progress Details

On this screen, you can see and view the practice progress of all 6 categories.

Tap any item to view its details.

Tracker Details

On this screen, you can see and view each practice record that is organized monthly.

Tap any item to view its details.


The entry points for the remaining screens.


Then introduction of each categoty.

Lock Screen Widgets

The widgets for lock screen.

App Icons

Alternative app icons.

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